alam kong na-sentihan kayong lahat sa huling post ko. don't worry because not all my posts will be as sappy as that one:). starting with this one.
friday night paul and i (yiheeeee. . . hehe. . . couldn't stop that one) went to see the killers and hot hot heat at the promowest pavilion in downtown columbus. the ticket said 6pm but we got there at about 6:20 p.m. because i was at the lab til about 5:45 p.m. it turned out well though since apparently columbus time is much, much worse than filipino time. kasi pinoy time plus one hour lang. abah eto, pinaghintay kami ng 2 oras. it's a good thing we decided to sit on the hilly part of the pavilion (outdoor concert kasi ito) and not with the moshers. i really think i'm too old to mosh and it would just be too darn difficult to do anyway with all the gigantic americans there. anyway, the wait wasn't so bad since we were sitting on the grass and we had my labmates with us there who were all i varying states of drunkenness. they made for very good entertainment. we also didn't get dinner beforehand so we were just starving but we did find puny hotdogs (which paul inhaled in about 30 secs), chips and cokes. . . finally at a bit past 8, hot hot heat went onstage. they were pretty good but i think they got annoyed with the crowd because the crowd just wasn't getting into it. well for one, they mostly sang songs from their new album which i guess wasn't as popular as their first one. they did sing 'talk to me' which i really like. they played for a little less than an hour. then another hour-long wait before the killers came on. the oddest thing actually happened right before they started. because the whole time we were sitting there waiting, they were playing the oddest assortment of music including songs by elvis, david bowie and other old rock and roll stuff. and then when they turned off the lights finally signaling that the concert was about to start people of course started standing and applauding. and then "can't take my eyes off you" came on the speakers and people just went crazy! people were singing and dancing to it. this was a really old, perry como-esque version. that was pretty surreal but pretty cool too.
the killers were awesome live. brandon flowers is quite a performer and his voice sounds great. and he was wearing a pink coat! they played most of the songs from hot fuss. they didn't play 'everything will be alright' though which is one of my faves. i must admit that i didn't know all of their songs but i could sing along to at least 2 of them ('somebody told me' and 'mr. brightside'). so for the most part i would just jump and 'woooohooo'. they also sung a couple of new songs the only one i could remember went something like 'it's indie rock and roll for me'. . . it was pretty interesting. all in all, the killers gave a pretty solid concert. my only complaint is it was kind of short. they started at a bit past 9 and ended before 10:30. considering that they've only had one album (that made it big anyway) this shouldn't be a surprise. but i really think that they should learn a thing or two from worship bands who can sing a song that's essentially 2 mins long and stretch it to a 10 minute number. i mean, if people actually know the words to your song, it wouldn't hurt to just play it a bit longer. that's my opinion anyway.
was thinking about writing about the rest of the weekend but will probably do that later on. . .