Thursday, December 21, 2006
joint account
so just check that out for that and other wedding-related stuff. i'll still keep this blog though and also my multiply because i foresee a lot of non-wedding related venting in the near future. . .
and if i don't get to come back again, merry christmas to one and all!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
drivers everyewhere, beware! . . . and skating advice from me!
other than being theoretically-able to drive there are other perks to having this temporary permit:
- i can buy beer/alcohol! on my own! and then not drink it. because the permit doesn't keep me from getting allergic to alcohol/yeast/hops or whatever it is i am allergic to.
- i can go to bars/clubs without having to bring my passport
- i have such a pretty picture on my permit! you should see it! it's probably my best ID picture ever
in other news: christmas shopping almost done. thank you internet! it was also nice that i did more than half my shopping in september. also did some this weekend at the mall. i miss malls back home. you get so much more for your money. and the fact that you don't have to go walking around outside in near freezing weather helps too.
also you might be wondering why all these posts. well it's mainly because i am done with my course work! yey! and i got a B+ in my blasted biochem class. PLUS! i was soooo aiming for a B and i got a PLUS! how great is that?!?
that's my update for now. hope to have more interesting stories next time. babush!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
bad blogger, bad
so sorry my poor, neglected blog. how long has it been since i've graced you with my presence? 2 months? i apologize.
so in the spirit of the season, i will now share with all of you. nuggets of wisdom? yeah right. exciting adventures? not really. random ramblings? most probably. so enjoy!
since last i was here (10/29 when i checked) many things have happened. that does not mean these are things that deserve to be immortalized (?) in cyberspace, but they happened nonetheless. there was. . . . hmmmm. . . me going to work. . . and class. . . and work again. . . . ooh! i started a ladies Bible study in my apartment which is sometimes nerve-wracking (apartment must be clean. i must be understood. tea must be had) but it's loads of fun on wednesday nights. . . also saw my first college football game. and it is my ardent belief that it is due to my rooting for the ohio state buckeyes this season that they have become number one. OH (can i hear an -IO?!?) . . . most of you probably have no idea what i'm talking about but let's just say i now know which direction football players ought to run towards and could promptly yell "run! run" at roughly the right moments. yey magical yellow lines! . . . also had my first taste of a real american holiday with, er, americans when i went to celebrate thanksgiving with paul's family in iowa. had to drive 12 hours there (and back) but it was fun (and tasty). and it's really not like i actually drove there. i basically sat and stayed awake (well, majority of the time at least).
so there. i hope that satisfies all ya'll's need for updates on my very interesting life. and now. i shall brave the cold. for it is taco tuesday (ole'!) and there is beef to be thawed. also, i need to study for my stupid final for my stupid biochem class in which i am not performing admirably so to speak. so pray for me on thursday. that i will not boo my prof and throw my shoe at him. and also that i may pass the exam. but mostly for the latter.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
what do you do with the extra hour?
i throw out trash that has accumulated in my room
i don't study for biochem
i sleep
what about you?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
4 boxes left. . .
but how can i unpack when lucy lawless is singing with kenny loggins and jai rodriguez is singing "back at one" with brian mcknight?. . . and who the heck writes all those stupid puns for marie osmond? and exactly what is little richard high on?. . . ahhhhh, thursday night tv. . . very distracting. all my good intentions of unpacking, gone. ta-ta.
Friday, September 01, 2006
i've moved
. . . to my new apartment. . . our new apartment i mean, hanna's and i. finally said goodbye to the old one yesterday when i turned over my keys. rather bittersweet; bitter because that was my very first apartment ever so it holds a lot of memories, and also a full size bed and free cable and internet. sweet because i now save 200 bucks a month in my new one=) you can't have it all i guess.
i'm still in the process of settling in, what with about 70% of my possessions still in boxes and suitcases all over the apartment. i still couldn't figure out how i'd fit all my stuff (i.e. clothes and shoes) anywhere. hanna and i are trying to downsize as evidenced by the big mountain of stuff right smack in the middle of our living room.
i've also been having bad dreams since moving in. probably caused by my fear of falling off the smaller bed and also by my bad shoulder. i'm sure i'll get over it.
i'm still in the lab now and i think i'm just delaying going home because i need to unpack. better accept the inevitable and leave. *sigh*
(everybody knows) it sucks to grow up. . .
Thursday, August 17, 2006
i need therapy
so, i've been having a tough week overall. which sucks because you'd think the boss being on vacation would give the mouse time to play, or something like that. but no. i've been leaving no earlier than 5:30 pm for the past 4 days. and most of you out ther with real jobs are probably rolling your eyes and saying "boohoo" but i have a non-real job and non-real means i get to go home at 4:30 at the latest. and with the boss away, i don't even get any credit.
on top of all this, i found out that i need a visa to go see my relatives in toronto. and the country of canadia demands $70 for me to be able to apply so they can consider having me visith their great country 'eh. and this application of course includes photocopies of all my documents, letters from important people that i lose at every opportunity, ugly pictures that have to be taken twice because of incompetent photographers, my precious passport and did i mention i pay them $70 for all this? i've had some choice words for the country of canadia the past couple of days and she must appease me. i think ginormous waterfalls will not do it. maybe good shopping, we'll see. you better make this worth it canadia. 'til then i will not call you your proper name, canadia.
as for the therapy, i've been seeing a pt for my thumb. my thumb was strained and was therefore pretty much annoyed with lab work. so for 3 weeks or so, i had therapy on my thumb which consisted of ultrasound treatment and thumb/wrist exercises. slightly entertaining but the trek to the health center from my lab is less funny. today, i found out that i need to do more therapy. for my shoulder this time. it's still bothering me and everyone says it's better to get these things checked sooner rather than later so off i went to the sports doctor and that was the verdict. she said this usually takes a month. unless "therapy" involves a massage then this sucks.
this blog is running long but one more thing, i'm in the process of moving to a new apartment. and i discovered that i am what can be called a packrat. i hold on to things. like invitations to parties i never went to. or old tests. or little pompoms that fell of throw pillows that i could never sew back. and old burned out light bulbs. which of course makes it harder to pick through my things and pack them. is there therapy for that?
sbc packers. hehe.
tama na nga ito.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
no more drama
jem: sure, why not
george: huh?
kaka: thanks!
prek: lalo pa nga e
at least now i'm sure that people are still reading my blog. and caring. and that's nice.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
please stop asking. . . .
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
word cloud

halata bang walang magawa?
on other news. . . fish finally gave (embryos) after a week-long dry spell. was tempted several times to sing "let's get it on" to fishies in hopes of getting them in the mood ika nga. so now they give. at the end of the week. when my boss is not around. so i need to work even if i can totally slack off tomorrow. a friday of course and part of a long weekend. fishies really don't like me that much and are conspiring to keep me from getting a vacation. that's my theory anyway.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

woohoo. it worked. anyway, paul graduated last weekend. and this picture confirms what i've believed for so long. i am dating a dork. seriously, see those cords falling all over him? those are for several awards that he got. i think he got 4 out of a possible 5. he also got the most outstanding marketing student award. geeez. the dude makes me look bad with my B+ average.
his family drove up for that weekend too. that's his youngest sister heather. she's 16 and 5'8"! they drove up in their 15 seater van to help paul move to his new apartment. and to buy his new. . .
very blue full-size couch! i'm so jealous. . .
i also just got back from the international zebrafish conference held in madison, wisconsin. it was 5 days of eating and listening to talks and eating and listening/napping to more talks and eating. also ran into shiela there. . .
i did do some work while there. this is my poster that i had to stand next to for 3 hours. wasn't too bad really because people were nice and didn't laugh and point and call me "silly girl with silly poster. . ." which is what i was fearing. . .
also, university of wisconsin is right next to a lake. a body of water! sure everyone says it's soooo cold there in the winter but it's summer and it was gorgeous! i want a lake in my campus too. . . oh and these are my labmates kristin and myron.
wisconsin is known for its dairy. here's shiela enjoying ice cream made right at the UW union. shie and i actually got obsessed with the painted cows scattered all over downtown madison. . .
the police cow
2 artsy cows
"pasture bedtime"
o the wondrous cows! made shie and i very happy. . . or was it all the food and ice cream we ate?
last and definitely not least, i got a new baby. . .
ain't it cute?. . . still getting used to using it but so far so good. 8 GB folks. beats the crap out of a nano in my opinion since it's about the same price as a 2GB nano. and did i meantion it was pink? love it!!!!
that's it folks. things have been good this past month. a little stressful but all ended well =)
Monday, May 15, 2006
random. . .
- paul got a job! yey! na-realize na ang potential maging sugar-daddy! hehe. pero seriously, sobrang answered prayer. thank you lord!
- i'm on a diet. not yey. and i've been working out. i went twice this weekend. doesn't it suck that when you're on a diet, all you could think about is food? i'm sooooo cranky. . . kasi kulang sa kanin. which prompted paul to ask "couldn't you just exercise more and diet less?" yep, i'm that cranky i think i scared him. . .
- speaking of this weekend, we got to go to the big free concert featuring teddy geiger (of love monkey fame. . . oooh. just typing that makes me seethe at cbs. . .) and jason mraz! it was great! mainly because it was free. free things are always good. anyway, i'll post pics later. that teddy geiger kid is one cutie patootie.
yun lang. 3 more weeks 'til end of this quarter!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
how i come to (partly) own a $400 vacuum and other updates. . .

i really just want to post some pics but i think this picture warrants some sort of explanation . that is paul and i in formal clothes. with a $400 vacuum between us which we like to call dyson (never loses suction. ever) believe it or not i (who my parents insists have a birthmark in an unfortunate place that dooms me to bad luck my entire life) finally won a prize in a raffle. and a rather nice one at that. well, technically, paul won it (this was at a formal dinner-dance thing at the college of business) since he purchased our tickets, but i was holding on to the winning ticket. now dyson and paul's dirt devil are both sitting in my living room, staring suspiciousl at each other. although dyson does it from inside its box since we can't even take it out of the box lest it decreases in value once we sell it on ebay. it's kind of ironic seeing a $400 vacuum sitting on a carpet that obviously hasn't been vacuumed for a while.

also that weekend, paul ran a 5k at the college (which according to his classmates was to "cure" the boys and girls club of columbus. . . gets?) anyway, he did pretty well for someone who didn't really train much for it. he placed 50th in a pool of about 300 runners. i was mighty proud =)
next update is probably not obvious from this pic but apparently, i lost 4 lbs in the last 6 weeks. which makes it 6 lbs in

this weekend is our anniversary weekend! one year! can you imagine? typical though, that i have to work this weekend. again. for the third weekend in a row. bleagh. anyway, i'm making a scrapbook for him. which is not finished yet because, hey, i'm blogging. also, in case he's not too thrilled about that, i got him bruce springsteen's latest album and the one before, which if you know how terrified i was of bruce springsteen as a kid, seems like a very brave and sacrificial thing for me to have gotten him =) which is pretty good since i don't think sitting on my bum and ordering the cds in amazon hardly qualifies as a very demanding activity. this of course makes me anxious too about what he's getting me. i really don't want a repeat of the bill crosby debacle.
i think i stopped making sense five sentences ago. 'til next time then!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
"what do ducks eat?" . . .and other scientific questions. . .
anyway, the object of the activity was to collect as many specimens as possible, bring them back to the lab, and classify them according to what you observe. specimens include both plants and animals. some classifications that stood out were "green stuff" vs "creatures", plants vs animals vs insects, and my favorite, "dead" vs. "alive".
one question they had to answer was whether the specimen they collected was a producer or primay/secondary/tertiary consumer.
someone asked me "what do ducks eat?".
man, was i stumped. "bread?" i said.
"so what does that make them?" said the student
"well, where does bread come from?" was my next question,
"wheat?" piped in another student
"so does that make them primary consumers?" asked the first student
"er, yes?" said the smart TA.
ain't that the most genius scientific repartee' you have ever heard?!? man, am i good or what? "what" would be the right answer to that. . .
also, seeing that i'm very, very, bad with names, someone had the great idea of giving me 6 students named matthew (4 in one class, 2 in another). what are the chances of that happening? at least when in a bind, i could just go ahead and call any guy matthew and there would be close to a 1 in 3 chance that i'm right.
so there. a new chapter in my life. . . as a molder of the minds of this country's future. . . kawawang mga kano =) dito na ba magsisimula ang pagkokolonisa natin? hehehehehehe.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Happy flower day!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
after a very long time. . .
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

now to try this out. . .

Sunday, February 26, 2006
am i really this entertaining?!?
apparently i'm an artisan, much like elvis, judy garland and liz taylor. . .
why must someone so entartaining have to learn how to write fake grant proposals? why? sure didn't say anything about being responsible. . .
thank you. thank you very much.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
valentine's '06
anyway, first valentine's with the boyps went well. he got me a present. i did not return it. so he's happy. plus got him a scarf too.
so what did he get me? he got me a card. with a box of those necco sweetheart candies. really sweet. plus tickets to a tristan prettyman concert next wednesday. which funny enough was what i was thinking of getting for him too. but didn't because i was too cheap=). plus 4 tango lessons for both of us. . . he does get a whole lot of brownie points for that. we went to the first one tonight. i was a little worried at first because, paul's great and i love him but he's not the best dancer out there. we only danced for the first part of the lesson because they make you switch partners so i really didn't know how he was doing. at the end of the lesson, there was a "free dance" and the instructor danced with him. she said he was doing well! i was so proud. and he seems to be enjoying it too.
so that was valentine's 2006 for me. hope all of yours were as sweet. . . now to figure out where the chocolates are actually on sale. . .
Monday, January 30, 2006
fave vacation pics
buhay pa kaya yung mga tuta?
Friday, January 27, 2006
on other things, my luggage has finally been put away (after three years or so). i've almost run out of pastillas and dried mango. but things are still good with the corned beef and luncheon meat. i'm starting to walk faster again (because it's so darn cold) and i think i'm finally over the cold my last week at home. . .
that's about it. still haven't gotten around to posting pics from christmas. will do that soon when my dratted neighbor decides to be nice and share his/her internet. . .
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
anyway, just wanted to share this really sweet song. . . for christmas, paul gave me, among other things, a cd of songs that reminds him of me (awwwww). this song from the garden state soundtrack was track no. 7.
I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You
by Colin Hay Band
I drink good coffee every morning
Comes from a place thats far away
And when i'm done I feel like talking
Without you here there is less to say
Don't want you thinking I'm unhappy
What is closer to the truth
That if I lived til I was a hundred and two
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
No longer moved to drink strong whiskey
I shook the hand of time and I knew
That if I lived 'till I could no longer climb my stairs
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
A face that dances and it haunts me
With laughter still ringin in my ears
I still find pieces of your presence here
even, even after all these years
I don't want you thinkin that I don't get asked to dinner
Cuz I'm here to say that I sometimes do
And even though I may seem to feel a touch of love
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
If I lived til I was a hundred and two
I just don't think I'll ever get over you
awwww ulit. . . how sweet is that? . . . and i forgot to mention that when he picked me up from the airport, he had a pink rose waiting for me at the car ( he didn't bring it when he met me because he knew that i had 2 50+lb luggages and that it would most likely get crushed. . . he's not only sweet, but really smart too). when i got home, there were 2 more pink roses in a vase. . . he still does not understand why i like getting flowers, but he gives them anyway =). . .
it was really sad leaving home. . . but i'm also surprisingly glad to be back=) . . .
being awake at this time does not mean i am awake enough to write things that make sense . so i'm borrowing from ais's and jae's blog and trying to sum up the year 2005. . .
it's been 51hrs and 2 mins since i arrived here in columbus
i'm so sick and tired of being cold.
I'm done with my presentation!
finally got around to uploading pix from the indigo girls concert.
seeing as justine already "outed" me, i thought i might as well put in my two cents' worth. . . yes, yes, the seemingly impossible has happened. . . i am no longer single. you heard (read) me right, i, jona, have a boyfriend. . . i am not making this up.
alam kong na-sentihan kayong lahat sa huling post ko.
nothing new here really
so i haven't been blogging in a while
still alive. . . no internet in apartment. . . will blog soon. . .
delingkwenteng blogger na po ako
hehe. . . walang post
vacation time so brain not functioning
ok. so that sucked. apparently, nothing much happened from august to december. . . which is not true. hehe.
anyway, happy new year to you all! sana. . . makatulog na ako. . . ang labo.