been trying to blog many, many times but for some reason, i'm having a hard time finishing anything i start. many good things have happened recently so i really would like to share 'em. let's see if photo blogger lets me. . .

woohoo. it worked. anyway, paul graduated last weekend. and this picture confirms what i've believed for so long. i am dating a dork. seriously, see those cords falling all over him? those are for several awards that he got. i think he got 4 out of a possible 5. he also got the most outstanding marketing student award. geeez. the dude makes me look bad with my B+ average.

his family drove up for that weekend too. that's his youngest sister heather. she's 16 and 5'8"! they drove up in their 15 seater van to help paul move to his new apartment. and to buy his new. . .

very blue full-size couch! i'm so jealous. . .
i also just got back from the international zebrafish conference held in madison, wisconsin. it was 5 days of eating and listening to talks and eating and listening/napping to more talks and eating. also ran into shiela there. . .

i did do some work while there. this is my poster that i had to stand next to for 3 hours. wasn't too bad really because people were nice and didn't laugh and point and call me "silly girl with silly poster. . ." which is what i was fearing. . .

also, university of wisconsin is right next to a lake. a body of water! sure everyone says it's soooo cold there in the winter but it's summer and it was gorgeous! i want a lake in my campus too. . . oh and these are my labmates kristin and myron.

wisconsin is known for its dairy. here's shiela enjoying ice cream made right at the UW union. shie and i actually got obsessed with the painted cows scattered all over downtown madison. . .

the police cow

2 artsy cows

"pasture bedtime"
o the wondrous cows! made shie and i very happy. . . or was it all the food and ice cream we ate?
last and definitely not least, i got a new baby. . .

ain't it cute?. . . still getting used to using it but so far so good. 8 GB folks. beats the crap out of a nano in my opinion since it's about the same price as a 2GB nano. and did i meantion it was pink? love it!!!!
that's it folks. things have been good this past month. a little stressful but all ended well =)