Monday, May 21, 2007

i did it!

. . . and i did not vomit!!!

yep, i ran my first 5k this weekend at the race for the cure! i think i crossed the finish line at precisely 45 mins which was not bad at all. it did feel a little bad when people who were walking were passing by me the whole time. they should've had the decency to walk slower than i run. but they would have had to be strolling. . . i also may have improved my time if i didn't wave to people by the road or if i didn't high-five an entire line of bikers. but that was what made the whole thing fun. that and the tons of free food and stuff once you get to the finish line. i got a week's worth of bananas and yogurt among other things.

i also don't have pictures to prove this so you'll just have to take my word for it. also i don't think me wearing the neon green scott's racing team t-shirt would've registered on a normal camera anyhow.

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