Wednesday, December 01, 2004

stream of consciousness blog

ohmygosh. just had 2 cream cheese-lathered, banana cupcakes. i feel a sugar buzz coming on. . . buzz buzzzzz. . .

that's one thing i like about america. . . the sweets. . . cookies, cupcakes, chocolates. . . there's a lot of variety out there. . . not very good for the figure, but very good for the soul. . .

anyway, i have been wandering around campus half-awake for 3 days now. I've been taking allergy medicine, the drowsy kind, since sunday. just because i had a couple of glasses of wine last saturday while watching love,actually and elf. geeez. i've slept through every class i've had since then. and i've been oversleeping every morning. it really doesn't help that it's getting really cold and getting out of bed in the morning is the last thing you'd want to do. it would probably help if i had someone who'll wake me up every morning other than my alarm clock. . . another downside of living alone, i guess. . .

just did my very first rna extraction experiment. was really sleepy while doing it. made the mistake of using 15 ul of water instead of 115 ul. good thing my postdoc caught it just in time. . . well, it's actually her experiment it would have been bad for her if she didn't. . . now i'm just blabbing. . .

so excited to go home. looking forward to all the christmas parties. i just have one party to go to here and i can't even wear my cute christmas outfits then because it's too cold. . . i'm so tired of looking like a bubble all the time. . .

blah blah blah. . . better get home now. it's just 430 and it's starting to get dark! what is wrong with this place?

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