Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I'm done with my presentation! so happy! it went ok i guess. . . i really have a difficult time answering questions though. good thing my PI was there and he actually answered both questions that were asked. It was pretty embarassing really since i should've known the answer to these questions but he was nice about it afterwards. And my classmates were sort of surprised at me because when somebody asked me a question and i didn't know the answer i said "i don't know". I was just too tired and nervous to pretend that i at least had an idea what the answer was which i of course didn't. I did that once when my boss asked me something that i didn't know the answer to and after much senseless muttering from me he finally said "you don't know the answer". so i decided to just not do that anymore.

anyway, i went to see "hitch" with shu after my presentation. my way of celebrating. it was pretty cute. very entertaining. and will smith sure looks good:) it got really sappy near the end but it was really entertaining. and guys could sure learn a thing or two from this movie. . . like "listen and respond". apparently guys have to be told that. . .

anyway, my head's throbbing right now. wonder where i could get a head massage. . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

like what one of the professors I know said, "'I don't know' is a good answer." I've seen people go on these discourses and then end with "did I answer your question?" or, even better, "what was the question again?".