Sunday, June 26, 2005

2 days, 2 buffets. . .

totally unplanned but that's what happened. . . first buffet was at cici's pizza lunch at saturday. some people in my church threw a surprise birthday celebration for a guy in the music team which i was part of. leigh said that cici's can't be considered a real buffet coz they don't serve real pizza. well, what can you really expect from a $3.99 buffet? i was starving anyway, so the fact that the pizza was far from excellent was secondary. actually went through 4 plates so that's a buck a plate. not bad:)

today paul was back in town from omaha:) we (kev, leigh, paul and i) were supposed to go to a "peace-love-and-acceptance" festival (translation: gay/lesbian festival) at the park because there's bound to be cheap food there and the park's actually really nice. but it's like 95 deg outside and i very nicely demanded to be taken to an airconditioned restaurant. we heard that there was a haus and garten tour in the german village in downtown columbus so kev suggested going to schmidt's which is a traditional german sausage haus that has been around for 117 years. they also had a sausage buffet! and those were good sausages. i was thrilled to see that they also served fried rice. so all i needed was egg and i'd have enjoyed a german longsilog:) i also had my first bottle of beer. i picked a dark german beer that had "chocolate flavors and aroma", whatever that is. beer is definitely an acquired taste and i haven't acquired it yet. they all assured me that what i had was a very good beer but i'm not so sure. also had to have a huge chocolate cream puff because you could get any dessert for $1.50. soooooo good. . .
so i've decided that for this week, i'll only eat carrots. . . and maybe some tuna:)

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