Friday, January 21, 2005

survival tips please

i'm here again. using anything as an excuse not to study. really, how do i expect to reach a certain "calibre" as a grad student if i keep this up (peace shie!)? but the day is too pretty for me to spend it cooped up in my apartment studying. so here i am in the computer lab. ngek. laking improvement talaga.

yes, you heard it, the day is really pretty. the sun is out and there's not a cloud in the sky. but it's still below freezing. it's not 0 anymore at least. it's about a decent 20 something.

i am determined to not start griping about snow again. but the snow is getting really gross now that it's starting to melt. . . there, got that one out, now i can move on to other things.

we are going to be having a snow storm over the weekend (this does not count as a weather gripe because i've something else to add to it). and this got me to thinking about how ill-equipped i am to live on my own. i mean, just the other day, i bought an antenna for my tv because God forbid something should prevent me from watching the premiere of american idol. so there i was with my new antenna which strangely enough did not come with any instructions. well, the box did tell me how to make the antenna stand on top of my tv but it did not tell me how to connect the wire to the tv itself. well, it really wasn't that tough to figure out but the thing involved screws and i of course realized i didn't own a tool that should be an essential for any home - a set of screwdrivers. i never really thought of that before this happened. but the macgyver in me kicked in and i was able to hook the whole thing up using a paper clip. yey for me!

also the day has arrived when i had to face something i have been so afraid of facing. . . a bottle that i cannot open. . . it's a bottle of apple juice that i've had for three days now and have still not been able to open. it is so frustrating. i've actually thought of knocking on people's doors and asking them to open the bottle but that's probably not very safe. i should probably start working out or something. . . or i could just wait for my knight in shining armor to knock on my door and ask if there are any bottles that need to be opened. . . hmmmm. . . better find me a gym. . .

so, back to the problem of coping with the coming snow storm. i've actually done a bit of shopping this morning in preparation for this. i got milk, bread, eggs, instant noodles and chicken soup. well, not very promising but at least i won't be hungry.

for all of you taking time out to read this: first, thanks for caring enough to read. and second, what other stuff do you think are necessary for me to survive that i probably haven't thought of yet? please comment. oh and sarah, i do have a flashlight and batteries now. took me 3 months to figure out i needed it but i do have it. i just have to remember where i kept it. . .

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